German- African trade increased by 21 percent to 60 billion euros in 2022

  Favourable trade figures between Germany and Africa for 2022 South Africa continues to be Germany’s top trading partner in Africa. Imports from oil-producing countries in Africa are also increasing.   German Imports from Africa German-Africa Trade increased significantly in the year 2022. German foreign trade with Africa (both imports and exports) has increased by…

Benefits of Outsourcing

Benefits of Outsourcing – Overview

Benefits of outsourcing – outsourcing can bring great benefits to companies, but there are also risks and challenges in negotiating and managing outsourcing relationships. From SMEs to large corporations, businesses of all sizes can use outsourcing to grow and expand their business while keeping costs as low as possible. What is outsourcing? Outsourcing is a…

Investing in South Africa

Investing in South Africa – What to consider

Investing in South Africa – South Africa is considered the most advanced, diversified and productive economy in Africa. With one of the most business-friendly environments on the continent, South Africa is a logical and attractive option for international companies looking to enter the African market. The country has over 60 million inhabitants and covers 1.22…