im Gespräch mit Volker Werth, Vertreter des BVMW-Büros in Südafrika.


Entdecken Sie die faszinierenden Einblicke in den Solarenergieboom Südafrikas im Gespräch mit Volker Werth, Vertreter des BVMW-Büros in Südafrika. Wir untersuchen die Faktoren hinter dem Interesse, politischen Änderungen und Bemühungen, die Rolle der Solarenergie in der Energielandschaft des Landes zu stärken. Begleiten Sie uns, wenn wir die Marktlücke aufdecken und Möglichkeiten aufzeigen, die ausländischen Investoren…

Automated animal product harvesting

Automated Animal Product Harvesting in Sub-Saharan Africa

As technology continues to advance, various sectors are exploring innovative ways to revolutionise agriculture. In Sub-Saharan Africa specifically, agriculture plays a vital role in food security and economic development. Due to this, automated animal product harvesting could present a promising opportunity. The most popular animal products used in this region include milk, eggs, leather and…

Unleashing the Power: Energy Creation from Animal Waste

Energy Creation from Animal Waste

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and the need for sustainable energy solutions, Sub-Saharan Africa has emerged as a region with immense potential for renewable energy, channeling energy creation from animal waste. With its abundant livestock population and the pressing need for reliable energy sources, harnessing the power of animal waste…

Image headlining Digital revolution to drive African Growth via Route-to-Market Strategies

Driving African Growth via Route-to-Market Strategies

The African continent has seen tremendous growth in recent years, this is partially led by the digital revolution and the adoption of new technologies driving African Growth. As the continent’s digital landscape evolves, so does the way that local and foreign companies do business in Africa. Route-to-market strategies are therefore becoming increasingly critical for companies…