Key Manufacturing Sub-Sectors South Africa: Key Opportunities for Foreign Investors

Explore the key manufacturing sub-sectors driving South Africa’s economy through the creation of employment opportunities and contribution to the nation’s GDP. For foreign investors, the sector presents a variety of lucrative opportunities across several key sub-sectors. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of South Africa’s key manufacturing sub-sectors and highlight why they are…


South Africa, with its well-developed infrastructure, strategic location, and diversified economy, presents significant opportunities for industrial growth. As businesses seek to expand their operations, several key locations in the country stand out for their potential to foster industrial development. Here are some of the top locations for industrial growth in South Africa: INDUSTRIAL POLICY SUPPORT:…

Navigating South Africa's manufacturing landscape

Navigating South Africa’s Manufacturing Landscape

South Africa’s manufacturing landscape has long been a cornerstone of its economy, contributing significantly to employment and economic activity. However, recent trends indicate a shift in this landscape, with various challenges impacting profitability and job security within the industry. Despite these hurdles, the sector remains vital, especially in key regions such as Gauteng, Johannesburg, Ekurhuleni,…

Internationale Expansion: Hauptrisiken verstehen und mindern

Internationale Expansion: Hauptrisiken verstehen und mindern

Auf der Suche nach Wachstum und globaler Marktpräsenz werden Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt von der Attraktivität einer internationalen Expansion verführt. Ausländischen Unternehmen, die neue Märkte erschließen, bieten sich beispiellose Möglichkeiten, neue Kunden zu gewinnen und ihre Gewinnmargen zu steigern, doch sie sehen sich einer Landschaft voller inhärenter Risiken gegenüber. Um einen erfolgreichen Weg zur…

InterGest South Africa

InterGest South Africa: Tailored Outsourced Solutions

Embark on your African business journey with confidence, backed by the strength of InterGest South Africa, a part of the InterGest Worldwide Group. With a vast network spanning 50 countries and 45 partners worldwide, we specialiSe in delivering tailored outsourced solutions for global enterprises, from accounting to HR, payroll to tax compliance, ensuring seamless operations…

Navigating Labour Laws in South Africa

Staffing a business in South Africa requires a comprehensive understanding of the country’s intricate labour laws and regulations. The country’s labour laws are governed by a combination of legislation and common law that is designed to protect the rights of workers and to ensure fair labour practices. It is imperative that foreign companies establishing a…

South Africa: Shareholder Reporting Requirements ITR14

South Africa: Shareholder Reporting Requirements on the ITR14

Navigating tax compliance obligations is a critical aspect of maintaining a robust financial framework for any business entity incorporated in South Africa. Among the various requirements, the accurate completion of the annual Income Tax Return (ITR14) stands as a cornerstone. Recently, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced updated guidelines, imposing detailed reporting standards pertaining…