German- African trade increased by 21 percent to 60 billion euros in 2022

  Favourable trade figures between Germany and Africa for 2022 South Africa continues to be Germany’s top trading partner in Africa. Imports from oil-producing countries in Africa are also increasing.   German Imports from Africa German-Africa Trade increased significantly in the year 2022. German foreign trade with Africa (both imports and exports) has increased by…

Thinking of expanding your business activities into a new market? This article will take a closer look at the benefits of attending trade shows when entering a new market.

Benefits of Attending Trade Fairs  

Thinking of expanding your business activities into a new market? This article will take a closer look at the benefits of attending trade fairs when entering a new market. Trade fairs are a very powerful marketing, research and development medium for companies that are considering expanding their business activities into a new market. Trade fairs…

South Africa to receive US$497 loan for Just Energy Transition

South Africa to receive US$497 Million loan from World Bank to re-purpose coal-fired power plant to renewable energy site

The World Bank Group’s Board of Directors has approved South Africa’s request for a loan valued at US$497 Million for decommissioning and repowering of the Komati coal-fired power plant with renewable energy and batteries. International assistance for Energy Transition The last Komati unit was shut down on 31 October. According to national electricity utility Eskom,…