Image of an electronic tablet headlining Internet Retail in Suth Africa

Internet Retail in South Africa

Operating in 2023 has brought with it new, dynamic means of business, not only locally, but internationally. In the digital landscape we find ourselves in, South Africa has been able to not only witness but also engage. As access to technology grows and E-Commerce platforms grow in productivity, the convenience, variety and affordability offered by…

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B2B Supply chain optimisation: a key to business success in South Africa

B2B Supply Chain Optimisation

A Key to business success in South Africa The world today is abuzz with fast-paced and highly competitive business environments in all fields. This is where B2B (business-to-business) supply chain optimisation of operations could prove crucial to achieving success. For businesses in South Africa, this means implementing B2B supply chain optimization strategies that can help…

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What is in demand?: Product availability in South Africa

Product Availability in South Africa

South Africa, a vibrant country with a diverse economy has a growing consumer market that is continuously seeking innovative products. From tech gadgets to home essentials, South Africans have a wide range of preferences and needs, presenting new opportunities to entrepreneurs. With growing product availability in South Africa, we discuss what is in demand and…

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Image headlining Digital revolution to drive African Growth via Route-to-Market Strategies

Driving African Growth via Route-to-Market Strategies

The African continent has seen tremendous growth in recent years, this is partially led by the digital revolution and the adoption of new technologies driving African Growth. As the continent’s digital landscape evolves, so does the way that local and foreign companies do business in Africa. Route-to-market strategies are therefore becoming increasingly critical for companies…

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South Africa as an investment destination

South Africa as an Investment Destination

South Africa has always been an attractive investment destination to investors seeking to expand their business activities into Africa and 2023 is no different. With Africa being a large and lucrative market to break into when done correctly, South Africa presents itself as a promising gateway. Confidence in South Africa as an investment destination South…

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investing in kenya


Kenia verbessert durch sgr-bau reisemöglichkeiten und somit potenzial für landwirtschaft, tourismus und produktion Das kenianische Projekt der Normalspurbahn (SGR), Phase 2A, befindet sich derzeit in der letzten Bauphase. Damit soll eine Verbindung zwischen der Hauptstadt Nairobi und der Resortstadt Naivasha in der Region des Grabenbruchs hergestellt werden. Es wird erwartet, dass durch den Bau der…

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STRASSENBAU IN KENIA FÜHRT ZU STARK VERBESSERTEN LOGISTISCHEN ROUTEN Kenia ist derzeit dabei, seine logistischen Routen drastisch zu verbessern, indem es mit dem Bau neuer Autobahn- und Straßenprojekte beginnt. Eines dieser Projekte ist der 460 km lange Coastline Transnational Highway (Transnationale Küstenautobahn), mit dessen Bau auf kenianischer Seite die kenianische National Highway Authority (KenHA) offiziell…

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The Kazungula Bridge links South Africa to the DRC – A crucial project for Africa’s development and trade Once completed, the Kazungula Bridge will ultimately create a link between the port in Durban, South Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo. It will make it possible to travel from Durban to Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi,…

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